Ok, bad news first: the annual Lessons and Carols, as you know them from previous years, with lots of people singing in church and mulled wine and tombola afterwards in the church hall will not take place this year. You all know, why... don't ask! So, what is the good news? The good news is: we will have a our Lessons and Carols "online" this year!
"Lessons and Carols 2020 online" - a new experience for all of us.
For the first time, our annual event of Lessons and Carols will be presented in a completely new format. It will happen on the
6 December 2020 (Second Advent Sunday) in the afternoon.
And here is the program:
Three days before the event: start baking advent cookies or shortbread (for good recipes ask Sally!). But keep them hidden in a safe place!
One day before the event: buy spices for hot beverage (or just get yourself some ready made mulled wine). I will have some Chai Tea!
Sunday Morning: wake up with a warm feeling!
Around noontime: get excited!
Early afternoon: start humming your favourite carols!
4pm: start preparing a cozy place; all you need for now is a computer/laptop/tablet/smartphone, but for the quality of sound you might want to plug in a speaker or headphones...
4:29pm ready? tune in to the link of our youtube premiere or follow our stream on Facebook! Or just watch it on this site!
4:30pm: we will start streaming to you: "Lessons and Carols 2020 online". Join in, sing as loud as you can (ok, unless you have a noise sensitive neighbour, that is...)
Then: 5 min break. Very important: get out your cookies and something nice and hot to drink (mulled wine, Irish Coffee, Chai tea...)
Follow this link to join us live on zoom for a little celebration! Win some prizes! Have fun!
Afterwards: feel very satisfied!
that evening: if you wish, make a donation to the Church of St Boniface (IBAN: DE41 7209 0000 0001 1756 539)
next day: visit website of one of our partner projects!
a week or two later: want to capture some of that Christmas mood again? The recordings will remain available on youtube and Facebook. So, play it again, Sam!
every Sunday: why don't you join us for our weekly (hybrid) Worship Service - either in person (Auferstehungskirche Hochzoll, Garmischer Str 2) or virtually (same zoom link as above)
Advent next year: join us again for our Lessons and Carols 2021 (hopefully in real life - or online again... who knows?)
Everyone is welcome!
Please, spread the word. You may download a flyer or poster, print it and use it to invite others.